
Friday, September 22, 2017

The Table Menu – Safety Message

Have you ever gone out to dinner and found yourself reading the stand-up menu that was placed on the table? Sometime these are advertisements, or the ever so popular drink menu. What if you took this idea to your break room or lunch table and added safety messages? 

What if you changed these messages every month, or added some simple quizzes? Could you see staff sitting at lunch discussing the day’s work, last weekend’s fishing trip, and suddenly someone asks “How do you overcome driver fatigue?” The other staff will then start thinking about it as well. Naturally there are multiple answers, but the staff randomly started discussing safety!

This is an interesting concept that some state agencies are doing with employee break rooms and lunch tables. There are a wide variety of topics, as well as quizzes, that could be installed to always keep safety on employees’ minds. Sometimes just a simple Google search for “Safety Quizzes” will give you plenty of examples to use.
Some examples of topic to use include:
·         Driver Fatigue  
·         Aerial Lifts
·         Cold & Heat Stress
·         Fall Protection
·         Overexertion Injuries
·         Work-Zone Safety
·         Ladders
·         Lifting Techniques
·         Equipment Hand-Signals
·         Confined Space

Thinking outside the box of safety training can be fun, and trying to keep safety a Priority is Important.

By: Troy Walsh


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