
Friday, December 10, 2021

Reduce your risk of carjacking

Stealing a car by force has captured headlines across the country. While city vehicles are not normal targets for carjacking, there are general precautions which should be followed. Here are some recommendations from the Minneapolis Police Department:

  • Do not leave your vehicle running while unattended and never leave a key inside a parked vehicle.
  • Enter your vehicle quickly and lock your doors.
  • Memorize your license plate to help in fast recovery.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid being alone in your vehicle in certain areas, including isolated roads and parking lots.
  • Don't sit in your vehicle with the windows down and the doors unlocked.
  • Park in well-lit areas and if concerned, find a security guard to accompany you to your parked vehicle.
  • When exiting your car, look around you before turning off the ignition.
  • Make sure your cellphone is charged and accessible.
  • Be aware of tactics carjackers use, including bumping into your vehicle, pretending to be stranded, and flashing their vehicle's lights at you. If you feel a threat, drive to the nearest police or fire station.
  • Keep distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of yours if you need to drive around it and make a quick escape, especially at red lights.

If you are a victim of carjacking:

  • Honk your horn or use your panic button on your key fob.
  • Don’t resist, hand over keys.
  • Call 911 immediately.

For more information on general vehicle crime prevention and personal safety, review this story from KSTP.

Submitted by: Julie Jelen, Loss Control Consultant