How does your City promote safety within the community
and/or with staff? The City of Maplewood has developed a safety video
highlighting some tools & equipment certain departments have acquired to
simplify the job and make staff and the public safer.
The Public Safety Departments are working on physical and mental
training. They are working to reduce not only muscle and soft tissue injuries,
but also training to deal with difficult situations on the job. Physical and mental
training is only part of the solution, embracing new equipment and safer tools
are also helping Maplewood reduce staff injuries.
The Public Works staff have upgraded the way they shovel and
apply asphalt. Sometimes getting your hands dirty and shoveling asphalt is
still what needs to be done, but can we make the job easier on staff? Sometimes
additional warning lights can provide a better warning to the passing public,
and adding some mechanical advantage to the asphalt trailer can make it easier
for staff!
When looking on how to make the workplace safer, ask the
staff what are your concerns and what potential injury could you have
on-the-job? This could give you a guide on what to improve and make the job
safer and easier!
Check out Maplewood’s YouTube video Safer Workers Stronger