It’s not uncommon for cities to end up with vacant
buildings. Sometimes they pick them up due to foreclosure with plans to do
something to them, or the property that they reside on, and other times they
build newer facilities and are unable to sell or find another use for the older
ones. Whatever the reasoning for the city owning them, these vacant properties
do come with their own unique set of challenges as far as keeping them secure
and maintained. Infrequently used buildings, such as fire halls and community
centers that can go days between use, will also contain many of these
The first of the unique hazards present in vacant and
infrequently used buildings can be caused by individuals trespassing on
the property. Many vacant properties, due to their very nature of being unused
buildings, contain hazards that would be unacceptable in a building that is in
use. These hazards could be things such as loose or missing floorboards,
missing steps, poor wiring, and exposed insulation. All of these could cause
risk of injury to someone trespassing who is unfamiliar with the property and
doesn’t know to avoid them.

Due to a lack of regular attention and maintenance, as well
as the risk of intruders breaking in and starting one, vacant buildings are at
a higher risk of fire. Further increasing the risk should one occur, is that
many do not have operational sprinkler systems, even if one is installed.
To save on utility costs, many vacant buildings have the power
and gas turned off. If the building is not heated, then the water should also
be turned off and the sprinkler system (if present) should be drained as well
to prevent frozen pipes from bursting. This leads to a decrease in controls
should a fire break out, but may be considered a necessity as maintaining
utility systems for a building that isn’t being used can be costly and time
consuming. It is something that each individual city will need to weigh the
risks for and decide what they feel comfortable with.
If the city wishes to keep the sprinkler system operational,
the building should remain heated, and regular inspections of the system should
occur as they would for any other building.
Infrequently used
Infrequently used buildings, such as community centers or
fire halls, that may be used as little as once a week or less can often times
run these risks of trespass and fire as well. Though they most likely will not
also suffer from the same maintenance issues as a vacant building may have,
they do have these risks due to their infrequent use. With individuals not
frequenting the buildings on a daily basis, a fire hazard is more likely to not
be corrected as no one is there to notice it, and when people are in the
building, they are usually just there for a meeting, event, etc. and then on
their way without inspecting the entirety of the building. If these
infrequently used buildings are also not monitored between uses, they also run
the risk of trespass as they are typically well maintained buildings that
people know they can get into and use without being noticed.
What Can You Do?
The best practice for vacant and infrequently used buildings
is to implement a regular inspection schedule to ensure that no conditions
exist which could lead to fires or individuals easily being able to gain access
to the building.
Regular inspections of the building should include:
Inspection of roof for leaks and stability
(check roof in spring and fall, as well as after any severe winter event)
Look for new holes or loose boards in flooring
and mark them appropriately so others less familiar with the building know that
they are there
Check to make sure any operational utility
systems such as boilers are in proper working condition
Premise is free of insect or vermin infestations
Exterior walls are still structurally sound
All exterior warning signs are maintained
All doors, windows, etc. are secured to deter trespassers
Sprinkler system, if operational, is following a
regular inspection process (if it is not operational, or if heating is turned
off, it should be drained)
Electrical fixtures, devices, and wiring systems
Drive-by inspections should also be completed to check for
tampering of locks or entry ways into the building.